Which brings me to another point I've been wanting to make. I'm embarrassed to say I haven't done my part in the blog universe and made the list of blogs I read on the side like a lot of you guys do. I want to apologize for that, because I read a lot of knitting and spinning blogs, and it makes me giddy every time I discover someone has linked to me in some way. I should really do the same for others.
The same thing goes for comments. The polite thing to do is to comment on blogs of people who comment on yours. I have been remiss in this regard as well. I've been feeling bad about this for a while, so again, I'm sorry!
I'm glad I got that off my chest. Sort of. I also feel like trying to be cute now to ward off the guilt and self-deprecation I put myself through. Don't look at me, look at the pretty picture!
By the way, these are the Mason Dixon Ball-band dishcloths I made that inspired the cuffs. (free pattern on sidebar, above where the links to the blogs I read should be)
Don't sweat it too much, lots of people are "lurkers"!
You, lurker! LOL.
I need to update the links of blogs I read, but there are so many, I'm a little bit embarrassed!
I can't even figure out how to put a button on my sidebar, let alone a blogroll. Sad!
I certainly get a lot more hits than comments over at my place (and I begged this week). Lots of us are lurking, and I am, too!
Hope you're doing well!
Don't sweat the comments. I get so behind on things like that. I also suffer the guilt as well. ;)
If you use bloglines I think they have an html code generator under their "share" tab that lets you just put that in your sidebar section of your template, putting it all in by hand is a bit of a pain.
Cute washclothes nice colors!
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