It's richer in person, take my word for it. 4.2 oz, 115 yards. Mixed wool, metallic crochet cotton, glass beads (trust me, they're in there)
Next up, a springy mixed wool blend plied with sturdy gold denim thread. It's basically all my favorite colors spun together, even though we're way off season here. 2.3 oz 113 yards.
This crazy black, white and red one (with metallic crochet cotton) required a lot of concentration. I layered several rovings and the crochet cotton and spun it all at once, together. I really should have pre-drafted, I might have enjoyed the spinning more.
It's a wee 1.8 oz, 37 yards. I was playing around with the candy striping technique, I wanted to stop. I am happy with the results though, and probably should have stuck it out longer.
"C'mon get Happy" is a self-striping rainbow. The colors are arranged in the proper rainbow order with a stripe of white in between each color. It's 3.4 oz, 124 yards.
Last but not least, "Crayons" - It's a thick-thin yarn with lots of hand-dyed wool and mohair colors with black alpaca. 2.4 oz 108 yards. I couldn't decide what kind of yarn to spin, so I took a little bit of everything!
TGIFiber Friday everyone!
Gorgeous as usual!
So pretty! Do you sell some of the yarns your spin online anywhere?
and yes, I do sell yarn on etsy - click on "Buy my homespun" link on the right of the main page
(it's btw)
i love that red and black one!!!!!
These are so beautiful! I just started a fiber blog and I really admire your pictures- do you have any tips? Thanks so much!
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