Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tour de Fleece 2008


The Tour de France is coming! It begins on Saturday, July 5th. I can hardly believe it's been another year but here we are again and I am really excited. Welcome to the third annual Tour de Fleece - an online spin-along for people who spin yarn and play with fiber.

This year there are some changes. Actually, let's call them improvements. We have teams and prizes!

The first Tour de Fleece was in 2006. We had 16 spinners and a lot of fun. Last year was much bigger, with 138 spinners, and even more fun. I wonder how many we'll get this year?

The concept is simple, They spin, we spin. A real spinning themed spin-along.

Want to participate? There are three ways. You choose - do one, two or all three:

1. Sign up in the comments here. Please include a link to your blog if you have one.

2. We also have a Flickr pool here. Join the group and show off your homespun in the pool!

3. (NEW THIS YEAR) Be sure to check out the Ravelry group as well. There is already a lot of action happening over there!

If you want to give it a try, or just follow our progress, or are a fan of the Tour de France, JOIN!

Guidelines (NOT RULES)

1. Spin every day the Tour rides, if possible. Saturday July 5th through Sunday July 27th. Days of rest: Tuesday July 15th, Monday July 21st. (Just like the actual tour)

2. Spin something challenging Wednesday July 23rd. (The last hard climbing mountain stage in the Tour - the famous L’Alpe-d’Huez)

3. Take a button if you want one. Then we can use the button on our blogs in show of solidarity. Take it from here or grab a clean one from the flickr pool.

4. Wear yellow on Sunday July 27th to announce victory. Why not wear yellow on any day you feel particularly successful? (Yellow is the color of the race leader in the Tour - but here we are all ‘race leaders’)

5. Other colors if desired: Green (sprinter - think FAST), Polka-dot (climber - as in uphill), and white (rookie)

Teams: Join one, or many, or none. Sign up here or in the Ravelry group. (I can't stress enough how great the Ravelry group is)

- Peloton (The main group. Everyone is in the peloton at some point)

- Rookies (first years)

- Sprinters (fast and/or high mileage like lace)

- Climbers (conquer mountains, big personal challenges)

- Breakaway (Art yarns)

- Lantern rouge (You will participate as much as possible but you may skip days here and there. Cheerleaders welcome.)

- Wildcards (This is for people who want to form their own team. This includes sponsored teams, like those affiliated with a specific fiber shop or people who live in the same town, etc.)

The teams are inspired by the actual Tour de France.

Prizes: (more on this later)

So far we have some fantastic fiber-related prizes donated. We could use more. Just let me know if you want to donate. Email starina AT hotmail D0T C0M. Sorry not to make it a clickable link, I get enough spam as it is.

Start training... NOW!

There are 401 Tour de Fleece members on Ravelry!

Extra special players who sign up here & TEAMS:

Peloton: (EVERYONE - people who sign up in the comments here - way more on Ravelry)
1.Star (me)
2. Carole Knits
3. Funfairiegirl
4. Twinkle Toes
5. Heartknits
6. Sonja
7. Laminathegreat
8. Blogless Ebeth
9. Mel
10.Janice in GA
11. Anne
12. Soprano Spinner
13. Leethal
14. calicokitty6
15. anne-marie
16. Dawn
17. Sarah
18. Blogless Judi
19. Jacki
20. Michelle
21. Katie
22. Jessica
23. Amanda
24. Kiki
25. Knitter106
26. Dawn
27. goldfishgirl
28. Marlana
29. Emily
30. Morgan
31. michele/akkasha
32. marie
33. Linda Watson Mickelberry
34. Opal
35. dragon knitter
36. Jennifer
37. aj
38. selkie-b
39. Pixeldiva
40. Bimakra
41. Therese
42. val
43. thebon
44. betzi
45. spininmamma4
46. beth
47. Walden
48. Rach
49. sgeddes
50. val
51. graybastian
52. Rachel
53. Melissa
54. chelle
55. Phyllis
56. Kit
57. Uli
58. Judith Detert-Moriarty
59. Lauren
60. Jaime
61. Sally comes unraveled
62. Kristal
63. Bellavitafarm
64. Spinnerlady
65. Trillian42
66. Deb
67. Aimee
68. Melanie
69. kitten
70. Jen the bread freak

Subgroups: (you can join one, none, or several)

Twinkle Toes
Linda Watson Mickelberry
Sally comes unraveled
Jen the bread freak

Janice in GA

Twinkle Toes
Linda Watson Mickelberry

Star (me)

Lantern Rouge:


Carole Knits said...

I'm in! Last year was fun so I'm happy to spin along again. I'll donate a prize, too.

Unknown said...

I am in! I had a GREAT time last year and I learned so much - I will have to figure it out though because I am going to be in CA sams wheel for a week of the tour this year - maybe I will take my drop spindle, I will have to think on it.

Twinkle Toes said...

Me please! Just realised I'd signed up on the 2007! KAL! doh!!!

I'm a polka dot or w white (newbie jersey) whichever you want to make the numbers up in!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I'm on the Sprinter's team as I'm working on mastering laceweight.

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot my blog link,

Anonymous said...

I am in too (Rookies, I am new to spinning).


Anonymous said...

Whoo! I knew this was coming up!!

E Hipps said...

I am in. Blogless Ebeth

Mel said...

I'm in! :) I'm going in on the Rookie team, although I want to try some laceweight here soon (merino/dog/silk!)

Anonymous said...

I am in too. This is my first year spinning!


Janice in GA said...

I failed miserably at spinning during the Tour a couple of years ago, but I'm on a serious fine cotton-spinning kick. Add me to the sprinters. I'm trying to find a faster way to spin 7,000 ypp cotton yan.

Anne said...

I want to sign up! I learned how to spin last October and just bought my first wheel in May. I'm definitely still a rookie but would love to learn more. My friend has been helping me make niddy noddies so I would be happy to donate one.

Wendy Stackhouse said...

Oh, my goodness! Aren't I signed up already? I think I should be Pelotons, since I'm just trying to spin every day of the Tour. But I'm SO in and have been in the Ravelry group for ages!

leethal said...

ok i'm in! hopefully i'll be able to keep up! i'm definitely a part of the rookie team, and i'd like to join the breakaway team too.

my blog link:

calicokitty6 said...

Sign me up please. This will be my first Tour de Fleece.

I've had my wheel almost 2 years, but only been spinning since last October.

Anonymous said...

I participated last year as well.
I'm not sure that I'm going to join a group, but I will spin spin spin.


Dawn said...

Me too, me too! I am most definitely a rookie, having my first spindle tutorial about a month ago. This is the perfect opportunity for me to practice and build those skills.

Sarah said...

I'm in - hopefully I'll be more successful than last year, when I think I managed to spin the first three days. I have some projects I'd like to wrap up, and it would be nice to get back into the habit of spinning a little each day.

Judi said...

I'm in. This is my first Tour De Fleece. I am also blogless.

Unknown said...

Awesome! I'm in for this year again. I'll join the Breakaway team, too (I need to spin more art yarns to weave crazy thing things!). :) Mah blog, it is:

Tour de fleece! Woot!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I just got my first wheel on Saturday and sat there spinning for a few hours Sunday. I'm hooked! This should be a really fun way to get better at this stuff.

Anonymous said...

I thought I did this but I don't see it here. I'm so in. I'm a Rookie but I'm not sure I can spin everyday either.

Jessica said...

I'm in! And I may be able to donate a prize as well. I don't know a single blessed thing about the TdF, but I guess I'll learn!

Amanda Whitmire said...

Wahoo! Count me in! I think I'm eligible for the Peloton and the White Jersey groups - I'm a rookie to the TdFleece, and learned to spin earlier this year. Having a blast! I'll join in over on Ravelry, too.

Thanks - Amanda

kiki said...

what a great idea! i´m in =)
because i got my wheel six weeks ago i´m joining as a rookie.

my blog:
my ravelry: kiki

Knitter106 said...

Oh, wow, this is exactly what I need to try to get back into spinning! Count me in. Even though I learned to spin a dozen years ago, I'm still a rookie, so sign me up for that team. Maybe I'll even learn to use a drop spindle so that I can keep spinning while at knitting camp (which falls right in the middle of the tour).

Anonymous said...

Can I get in?? Or, is it too late?
ravelry id: texaspurlgurl

goldfishgirl said...

Can I join in too?! I've been reading up on the Tour de Fleece on Ravelry and it looks too exciting to miss!
Ravelry ID: goldfishgirl

Marlana said...

I'd like to join, too. I missed it last year. I always forget to sign up for things and only remember when it's over. My blog is at

Anonymous said...

I'm in for the rookie team! I think it will be so good for my beginner spinning to work on it every single day.


Fibreaddict said...

Sign me up please (have also joined the ravelry group

Morgan *aka fibreaddict*

Michele / akkasha said...

I just joined on the Ravelry group. Definitely looking forward to this.

I am in the Rookies group for certain. I have only been spinning a bit under two months.

marie said...

Thanks for doing this again!

I've signed up in the Ravelry group (needleloca). I'm looking forward to my second Tour de Fleece!

my blog:

Linda Watson Mickelberry said...

I'm on Ravelry, and am signed up for the Rookies and Climbers... just read it's only DAYS away (my brain was in rowing land) so I need to get my fleece done FAST!

On Ravelry, I'm LindaMick.

Opal said...

I'd like to join up as a Rookie and a Sprinter! My blog is at and I'm AkamaiKnitter on Ravelry.

dragon knitter said...

i think i joined on the ravelry site, lol. i'm on the L&V team

Knitting in the Rain said...

I'm definitely a rookie, but this sounds like fun!

My blog is waaayyy out of date, but this should give me an incentive to start posting again as well.

Therese (aka working4yarn on Rav)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to spin along on the Tour again, Last year was fun :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I want to be on the list too. ;) I'm a sprinter! I kept my eyes peeled for you at BSG and never saw someone I thought might be you. Maybe OFFF or next year?

betzi said...

I can't wait! I've been gearing up for this for a couple of months now...spin on! .

betzi said...

Oops, almost forgot...I will be spinning for team Lantern Rouge, as i will be moving on the day the race begins (um, plus i have 2 little ones!). But darnit I will spin every second I can!

spininmamma4 said...

Sign me up again this year- try to do better than last year :-)

Beth said...

I'm totally in! Already with the Rav group and Team Monkey Farts there. :) I've got lots of Spunky Eclectic fiber so it just made sense.

Walden said...

I singed up on ravelry for the Tour de Fleece, but figured I's say hi in your comments because I found it this year thanks to your blog!

Rachel said...

I'll do rookie since it's my first tour de fleece and climber to make myself try hard stuff.

sgeddes said...

Please sign me up too! I'm a new spinners; I started in December so this will be my first year. SIgn me up for the rookie team too.

Val said...

Hope its not to late to join the tour. I'd like to be in with the rookies too please.
My blog is:

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I'm at I'll be in the Peleton group. I'm going to be on vacation the 5th through the 11th so I won't be able to post until I get home. I'll still be spinning, though.

Rachel said...

I'm in! I schedule most of July around the Tour anyway. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not too late to sign up--sign me up as a rookie!

Chelle said...

I'm in too! Rookie Team!

Signed up as knottyknitter on Ravelry group.


sgeddes said...

I forgot to leave my blog addy a few comments up:

~ Phyllis ~ said...

Please sign me up. I'm on the ravelry team of des montagnes aux taupinieres (mountains to molehills stashbuster). Sign me up for Lantern rouge.

Kit said...

Count me in!

email: tobutakai at

And put me under Rookie, please. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Can I still join?

Uli at and I'm a total rookie.

Going to work on some superwash merino in my stash and trying to get it fine enough for fingering weight for a pair of socks.

Lauren said...

Wait for me! I'm a first time Tour de Fleece participant, but a long time spinner.

My goal is going to be to spin every day. Subgoal is to get through as much stash as possible during the tour.

Happy spinning everyone!

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please. :) I'm most definitely on the Rookie team; this is my first year with Tour de Fleece, and my first year with my wheel. I'm going to try to spin up eight ounces of Cormo hanging out in my stash.


Thanks! :D *off to join the ravelry group*

Sally Comes Unraveled said...

I'm signing up as a rookie. I'm working on a drop spindle. :)

K said...

I'm in! :) my URL is and I'm a total rookie.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I'll be on the Rookie team, since this is my first year with Tour de Fleece.

Spinnerlady said...

This sounds fun - count me in - it'll be good to commit to daily spinning

Trillian42 said...

I'm in! I'm a rookie, even though I've been attempting to spin for a couple of years now.


Deb said...

in under the wire but still in!!

Please add me to the rookie group as well!

~ Phyllis ~ said...

Hi Star,
I'm afraid that I incorrectly listed my blog address as It should be
Sorry for the mistake.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's too late to sign up, but I joined the Ravelry group a few days ago and I am definitely a Rookie.

Jen the Bread Freak said...

I'd like to join the rookie group! Hope it's not too late. I did spin today!
I have a blog, but it's dead and baking related, so I won't be posting my progress there.

Thank you!

Divine Bird said...

I'd like to sign up. :) My blog is at and my name is Divine Bird Jenny. I actually started on the Tour yesterday, but didn't get around to signing up in time.

I'm not on any particular team but my own. :D Pics of my goal are coming soon! :D

Laura said...

I'm in! I'm getting started a bit late, but I'll rush to catch up.

Laura of My Dog Has Fleece

Nothing Pithy said...

Count me in. I'd like to use up my stash of Angora, complete the first part of my guild's fiber study and comb up all that beautiful fleece my local humane society gave me for doing a demo. Put me in Sprinters, Climbers, Breakaway, and Peloton. I never do things lightly (hah).

Anonymous said...

thanks thius