Friday, May 30, 2008

Fiber Friday 5/30/08

I've officially lost my spinning mojo.

I'm sure it will return again, but for now... NO.

Where did it go? I'm busy.

1. Test knitting for someone else, something I can't discuss. Boo.

2. Submitting sock patterns to a new book - I'll let you know what happens.

3. Submitting a proposal to a magazine - I'll let you know what happens.

4. Making a halloween inspired project. Yes, I finally went there. You'll hear more about this in say, six months. (Boo)

Sooooo you can see the problem. I am knitting like a fiend but nothing really to share. Boring. I'm boring myself just typing this.

The spinning will return when:

1. I get back from the Black Sheep Gathering in three weeks with a giant bag of fiber.

2. I give myself permission to order more of other kinds of fiber.

3. I set up the dye station in my new apartment.

4. The Tour de Fleece hits on July 5th.

I've lost my spinning mojo, but admitting it is the first step to recovery.

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