It's not the kind of yarn typically submitted for judging at County Fairs, which is exactly why I sent it in.
Yes, this is the "inconsistent" yarn I mentioned last Friday. This is the story of the time this yarn came to be.
Fiber Friday 6/15/07
It's been a year since my first Fiber Friday entry here on this blog. I had been posting on Craftster for longer than that, but let's stay focused. June is the month of my one year blogiversary!
I've been posting yarn on Fridays for one year! What have I learned? I take better pictures now.
This yarn here reminds me of "king cake" - you know that sweet stuff you eat in New Orleans around Mardi Gras? If I was really clever I would have worked some beads into it but I am only just now thinking of it.
Anyway, it's 205 yards, 3.2 oz. Hand dyed mill ends single with recycled sari silk.
Lesson of the day for Fiber Friday? Take your pictures outdoors and don't use the flash.
Happy Fiber Friday... Have some bright cake if you can. Otherwise something boozy and sweet I guess.
/end flashback.
Some things are more true now than ever, like the appeal of boozy and sweet.
You can see that the yarn took home a third place ribbon, which they arranged around the sloppy skein. I'm going to sound like a jerk, but couldn't they have put a few more twists into the skein before putting it in a glass case for millions of people to see?
I guess I'm still fussy about yarn photography. Anyway... Happy first Friday of 2008!
1 comment:
Very pretty yarn! Thanks for showing it to us :-)
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