Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tour de Fleece 2007

The Tour de France is coming! It begins on Saturday, July 7th. I can hardly believe it's been a year but here we are again and I am really excited. Welcome to the second annual Tour de Fleece - an online spin-along for people who spin yarn and play with fiber.

The first Tour de Fleece was in 2006. Click here to read about it. We had 16 spinners but I hope to have even more this year. The concept is simple, They spin, we spin. A real spinning themed spin-along.

Want to participate? There are three ways. You choose - do one, two or all three:

1. Sign up in the comments here. Feel free to link to photos or your blog if you have one.
2. We also have a Flickr pool here. Join the group and show off your homespun in the pool!
3. Be sure to check out the Craftster board as well. Also, check out the Craftster board for completed objects. Yes, there will be 2 boards on Craftster, one for discussion, one for pictures of yarn, etc.

Guidelines (NOT RULES):

1. Spin every day the Tour rides, if possible. Saturday July 7th through Sunday July 29th. Days of rest: Monday, July 16th, Tuesday July 24th. (Just like the actual tour)
2. Spin something challenging Wednesday July 25th. (The last hard climbing mountain stage in the Pyrenees - Col d’Aubisque)
3. Take a button if you want one. Then we can use the button on our blogs in show of solidarity. Take it from here or grab a clean one from the flickr pool.
4. Wear yellow on Sunday July 29th to announce victory. Why not wear yellow on any day you feel particularly successful? (Yellow is the color of the race leader in the Tour - but here we are all 'race leaders')
5. Other colors if desired: Green (sprinter - think FAST), Polka-dot (climber - as in uphill), and white (rookie)
6. In the event I am the ONLY person doing this, no public mocking.

Known participants:
1. star (aka knitwit) (aka ME)
2. Jacki (aka lufah)
3. Amy
4. Raynbow
5. Soprano Spinner
6. Vanillaxlight
7. Star217 (stickyfingers)
8. nicolassa
9. chipper
10. ivycircle
11. TheBon
12. betzi
13. Olivia (aka eatmoreplants)
14. Rachel (you don't have to have a blog)
15. Chante (aka Harlem Purl)
16. Stacy Z
17. isamax
18. JoyousBohemian
19. AgentAlmost
20. Soth
21. Wendy
22. Amy Boogie
23. Abe-hap
24. Erica
25. Jennifer
26. Guernseygal
27. Margene
28. ErickaJo
29. Jane
30. Becky
31. Ann-Marie
32. Maia
33. Marie
34. Rebecca
35. Purlewe
36. Naomi
37. Velmalikevelvet
38. Lee-Fay
39. Rachel
40. Carole Knits
41. Birdsong
42. Holly
43. Cindy
44. Chris
45. April
46. Kristi aka Fiber Fool
47. Yvonne
48. Bunny Queen
49. Mama-E
50. Jenny
51. Lisa
52. DebbieB
53. Mistress Batty
54. Nishanna
55. Sereknitty
56. Spininmamma3
57. Taueret
58. Moze
59. Ra
60. Judy
61. Libby
62. Angela
63. Karen
64. Cherizac
65. Kimberly
66. Nancy
67. Peggy
68. Judy T.
69. KC
70. Liz Lafferty, Fiber Addict
71. Vicki in Michigan
72. Miss Violet
73. aelfiles
74. Marcel
75. Jane
76. Callejane
77. Donna B.
78. Kim in NJ
79. Valley
80. Bonnie
81. Kathie
82. Peachymanaangel
83. Sam
84. Marla Ellestad
85. Kerry
86. Kat
88. Kris
89. Dragon in the Rain
90. ~Tonia~
91. Tempospinner
92. Meghan
93. Alice
94. Fiberjoy
95. Shell
96. Lynn
97. Elizabeth
98. Gomerriffic
99. The Redhead
100. Tehandehness
101. Saellis05
102. Sarahbird
103. KaeMarie
104. Keri
105. Smartlittlelena
106. Marmee
107. Ashley
108. Elsje
109. Liz aka Hobbledehoy
110. Mle
111. Catie
112. Jan
113. Dudleyspinner
114. FiredupFairy
115. Redford Phyl
116. Robin
117. Dragon knitter
118. Mistress of Fiber
119. K2Karen
120. Tara
121. Rae
122. Funfairiegirl
123. Robin
124. CC
125. Tonyia
126. TheShizzKnit
127. Susie
128. 4th Gen Fiberholic
129. Margaret
130. Kath (sadly bloggless) in hot, hot, hot Tucson
131. Nancy
132. Natalie
133. Amanda
134. Theboythatspins
135. Judy
136. Craftycrafter
137. Michelle La Wooldancer
138. Loretta

- Your name here! (I'll add you and link to your blog)

Still have questions? Try the Tour de Fleece FAQ page.


Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I'm so geekily excited by this? Count me in. Yay!

AmysBabies said...

Add ME, Add MEE!!

I don't think it's geeky at all. I have been waiting all year for this!!


Unknown said...

I'm in too! I don't usually get a chance to spin every day, but I'll at least try!

Wendy Stackhouse said...

Oh, I'm in again. It was a great motivator last year. Plus I need some serious yarn for the Fair!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea! I'm in! My blog is

(I'm 'eatmoreplants' from craftster)

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog/site, but I will spin every day!

Harlem Purl said...

I missed out last year but I would love to join in the fun for this year. Count me in!


stacyZ said...

Oh Girlfriend YOU KNOW you can add me!!!!!

Soth said...

I'm so excited!

Great opportunity to "destash" (not to mention the "restashing"...)


Anonymous said...

Oh heck yeah, I'm game!


betzi said...

Hi Star! you've already added me (thanks btw!) but i'm officially adding as a fellow blogger. I'm so excited! This will be a blast!

stickyfingers said...

I'm down (like a winter coat hee-hee)

I'm star217 from craftster

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!
I'll be happy to play along

Amy Boogie

Anonymous said...

Hi I would love to join in the fun :)

Amy Boogie said...

Sign me up!

Erica said...

Sign me up too! I wanted to join last year, but just didn't have the time. This year, I'm all over this!

Jennifer said...

I read about this over on Amy's blog and think I'd like to try! Count me in.

Guernseygal said...

Count me in :-) School breaks up on the 6th so the timing is perfect!

margene said...

I'm in....I'm in!! What a great idea!


Anonymous said...

I am so in. It's been a rough year for my storage space, with all the fiber festivals. There will be a few days on the road, but that's why we have drop spindles!


PrincessFroglips said...

I want to play too! It will make me keep my resolution of spinning at least 15 minutes every day.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

i would love to participate

Anonymous said...

Yes! Hubby is a big Tour fan, I am a spinning fan, and yellow is my favorite color. It is so right for me!

marie said...

What a great idea! Please sign me up!
My blog is

Anonymous said...

I'm in too! Didn't find out about this last year till it was almost over.


Anonymous said...

I've been waiting all yr to do this again.

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

velmalikevelvet said...

i *totally* must do this! my boyfriend and i are big tour fans, and even though we'll be backpacking for the first week (doh!), we'll be watching, and now, I'll be spinning too! thanks, add me please,

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog, but I do have some enthusiasm for spinning every day.... thanks for organising.

Anonymous said...

I saw the link for the Tour de Fleece through Margene's blog, and it sounds like a great idea! I'd love to join, and have some real motivation to start spinning up some of my stash.

Carole Knits said...

I saw this on Margene's blog and it sounds like a great idea. Sign me up, please!

Birdsong said...

Such a cute idea! Count me in.

Holly said...

Oh, count me in! I need some balance from all the flipping socks knitting for SOS2007 and the 52 Pair Plunge.

Cindy said...

This sounds like way too much fun. I wanna do it, too. Please sign me up.

Anonymous said...

I spent June buying 4 spinning wheels. Spending July spinning seems appropriate, not to mention productive and fun. so count me in!

April said...

Count me in too!

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

I'm in! It'll be a good motivator!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. What fun! I've been telling myself I need to spin every day, and here's the incentive.

Bunny Queen said...

Oooo! Incentive to get moving with my spinning. I've been in a spinning funk lately and haven't touched the wheel in a few weeks. Count me in, please.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I love Le Wheel and I LOVE Le' Tour!

Anonymous said...


Jenny said...

I'm in -- I will be on vacation the first couple of days of the tour, but I guess that is what Spindles are for! Jenny

Lisa said...

I'd love to join too! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I want to play too! I love spinning in the company of others. No blog, though.


Anonymous said...

I know I left a comment on the Craftster thread, but I thought I'd leave one here too with my information....

Mistress Batty

I can't wait to begin!

Anonymous said...

Hey, i'm joining in too.


Sereknitty said...

I have got to get back to spinning regularly. This will certainly give me incentive and a target to hit. Thanks for the challenge. Sign me up.

spininmamma4 said...

Woohoo- I thought there were more spinners last year!!! Hard to believe it's already been a year, but I'm in again!!!

Taueret said...

spinning every day? What is not to like about that!? Count me in.

Moze said...

Count me in--I need a kick in the wheels to get this roving finished!

ra said...

oh hey, can I play too? saw the knitting version of the tour but it wasn't for me. Now I have a load of bleu de maine that is all carded up and ready to go but I'm terrified to start it. This could be the kick in the pants I'm looking for.

Can't spin every day as I'm away driving two days a week, but I'd like to join in when I can.

Judy said...

I need this motivation! Please add me too.

Anonymous said...

sign me up,but I may miss a day for the Vermont 100 mile ride. Libby

Anonymous said...

This sounds like great fun! Please sign me up. I don't have a blog. Angela

spyderkl said...

Am I too late? I'd love to play! And it'll give me yet another excuse to spin every day.


Cherizac said...

I'd like to play too. Have a swap due in september I have to spin the yarn for, and need the motivation for spinning every day since I hurt my knee Good luck to all!

Peggy said...

This is just too cool and will be great to get me to stop procrastinating and get some spinning done.

Kimberly said...

Ooh ooh! Me Too!!! This sounds like fun.


Nancy said...

I was so sorry I missed out on it last year, count me in!

Peggy said...

Okay, I just signed up for the Tour de Fleece 2007 and I am trying to put the button link on my blog. I know how to add pictures and I know how to add html or java if the code is given to me, but how do I find the code for the button and to link it to the Tour de Fleece 2007 site?

Anonymous said...

Ooo What the Bunny Queen said - me too! please count me in.

KC said...

I love this idea! Count me in!
KC http://knittin'

Anonymous said...

Count me in - VIVE LA FLEECE!

Vicki said...

Count me in!
Vicki in Michigan
blogless at the moment

Elizabeth Metz said...

I am SO IN!

And I may have to spin the stuff for something yellow, since I don't think I actually *own* anything in that color. :)


Anonymous said...

I have been watching the tour for years and am such a huge fan of cycling. This sounds like such a cool idea! I'd be happy to join in.

Anonymous said...

Yes,yes add me. I'm running a fiber and craft expo for our county fair and I need to get lots of fiber spun up. This wil help get my butt behind the wheel. :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like so much fun. I bought three new drop spindles and of coarse some fiber so I'll be tuning up for the big event.
I'm a very new Blogger.

callejane said...

This sounds great! And I just got home from Black Sheep Gathering where I got three new drop spindles and of coarse some fleece. So now all I have to do is start tuning up.

Donna B said...

Please count me in for the Tour de Fleece! Sounds like fun!

Kim in NJ said...

Well, since I totally punked out on the knitting olympics, I think it would be good to do this! Tour de Fleece it is!
I'm at

Anonymous said...

I'm for it. Now to find something yellow to wear....


Anonymous said...

Please sign me up ! This sounds like fun. Between this, the crochette along and silkworms I'm going to be busy.

Anonymous said...

This sounds fun! Just what I need to get me to practice my spinning. Please add me to the list - thanks!

Unknown said...

I am in @

Anonymous said...

Hi, I participate in a community blog that is updated weekly, though not necessarily by me. Am I still eligible to run Le Tour? :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, My name is Marla. I am in Wa st. Heard about this on spinning in Yahoo. This sounds like fun. Count me in!! I dont have a blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Luckily I've got a few days of vacation before the date, so I can get in some training time.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up. Sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

I've done sonething similar last year during the soccer-World Championships - and it was a lot of fun.
I like the Tour de France (been there on two days of the last two tours) and I like the imagination to move at least one wheel, just like the drivers.

Ilona (no blog, sorry)

Tonyia said...

What a great motivator - I've been slacking off on my spinning. Count me in!

Robin said...

Okay....Count me IN!!

Kris said...

I'm a pretty new spinner and this would be an awesome way to get my skills down! Count me in.


Dragon In The Rain said...

i missed it last year, and nearly did again this year!
I'm so in....

~Tonia~ said...

Now that I have a wheel I would love to be in if it isn't too late.

Anonymous said...

I would like to join the tour de fleece 2007. my journal page is
I can't wait!

Meghan said...

Is it too late to be added? I think this is a great idea and will help encourage me to spin more often :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Alice at

Fiberjoy said...

This looks right up my alley. Please sign me up. :-)

Shell said...

please add me, I can always use a reason to spin more!

Lynn said...

I'm looking forward to the challenge and combining two of my favorite things...Le Tour and Spinning! Count me in.

EliMarie said...

I'm gonna try! I'm a new spinner, so hopefully this will encourage me to practice, and to post on my somewhat empty blog!

Anonymous said...

I've only been spinning for a month but I'm in! It sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

Sorry no blog but I do have four spinning wheels! Just because I have a three month old and am in the middle of selling my house it's not going to stop me. Yellow jersy all the way baby!

Ashley said...

This sounds so cool! I can't wait!

Marmee said...

This is so cool!! I really want to do this. I am spinning for yarn for a Christmas present for my husband....a sweater, so lots of yarn needed. This is just what I need to get motivated.

elsje said...

Hey! This is perfect! I had already thought to set myself a personal goal to spin for a minimum of 30 minutes every day in July... but this is even better!!
I'm spinning yarn for a sweater for my husband also and need all the motivation I can get.

Elizabeth Porter said...

oooh, add me! Liz aka Hobbledehoy at

Spinningin360 said...

oooh!! count me in!

cate said...

I'm in! catie

Anonymous said...

Fun trip! Count me in.

Dudleyspinner said...

Pedaling, treadaling its all good!

firedupfairy said...

sign me up!

Redford Phyl said...

Add me. I need a kick in the tush. I'm a new spinner, and this will give me the incentive I need.

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

dragon knitter said...

i probably will be spinning something different at the end, but if that's not a problem, i'm in! do we post yardage results, as well?

mistress of fiber said...

Me too!

K2Karen said...

Me too!!! I'll have to miss the first two days, but so what. I'm most definitely a rookie. I'm going to spin every day and get through some of my sock fiber stash. My challenge: learning to do navajo plying.

Tara said...

Sounds like fun. I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I missed this last time... I'm so excited to see it happening again!
Count me in

funfairiegirl said...

I am in!!! YAY!! I need to spin more than once a week. And while Wednesdays are spinning days it will be GREAT to have a reason to clear out 15 mins a day to spin. I mean I keep my wheel next to me for a reason, I should use it more.

funfairiegirl said...

ummmmm....I commented once a bit ago and it never showed up. it hates me. But oh well. I AM IN!!!!Please. thankyou.

dragon knitter said...

a wee more than 16, eh?

CC said...

I want to join the Tour de Fleece 2007. Great Idea! Sorry I missed it last year.

Tonyia said...

Hi! I left a comment, hoping to join, a few days ago, but don't see my name on your list. I'd really love to do this with you. May I join, too? My blog -

theShizzKnit said...

How much fun is this!? Found ya'll just in time. Pls sign me up :)

Anonymous said...

Better late than never, I suppose. I've had your link on my blog since 6/28 and swore I wouldn't join but...put my name on the list. I'm just happy to find the time to spin!

Gomerriffic said...

Count me in! I'm going to even try to blog about it!

4th Gen FiberArt said...

Super last minute entry -I hope it's not too late. And we're off..(actually I have no idea what time the race actually starts but I will be spinning later today)

Margaret said...

If it's not too late, I'd like to join. Still plenty of time for spinning today.

Anonymous said...

As a new spinner (recently purchased the Kromski Sonata wheel) and I could sure use this challenge to spin 30 minutes or more a day.
Count me in, please.

Kath (sadly bloggless)in hot, hot, hot Tucson

Nancy said...

Is it too late to get in? I'd love to do this and just found your page right this very moment. At a good time too,, I just started some new fiber up 7/7/07.

natalie said...

Can I join in please?

email is natalieATtheyarnyardDOTcoDOTuk

website is

I started spinning during the prologue.

Anonymous said...

Me too!!!! My email is What a motivation....

judy said...

I'm in. Sounds like fun. NO problem catching up, I spun on the 7th & 8th.

craftycrafter said...

I've got a brand new wheel, I've been spinning like mad for days now. Forgot about this though until tonight. :)

Wooldancer said...

okay, even tho i'm not posting, i've been definately in the spin since the 7th! as soon as i stop for rest, i'll post pics.. totally Chipper yarns so far all *-"

Anonymous said...

Well, I might as well sign up, tow weeks later, because I have been keeping up!!!

I've been posting on craftster and flickr too......

Natalie Rush said...

I'd love to join because I think it sounds like fun but I don't spin. So I'll just be supporting all you fun spinners!!! If I manage to learn to spin with all the other things I have planned then I'll let you know. :)

Twinkle Toes said...

me please me please!

I'm a polka dot or a white newbie - whichever you need to make the numbers up in...

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's me in!

My folks (who live in France, and it often travels near them) would want me to.

I've got a ton of odds and ends that need spun up, a lot of it will wind up fingering or laceweight - guess that makes me a "Sprinter" - that's how I run anyway...

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

I need an excuse to get my blog started again.

Ann (aka pixeldiva)

Anonymous said...

I'm a new spinner but it's a good motivation. Sign me up. Thanks for the challange.

aj said...

I want to sign up too, if it's not too late!

jenknits said...

Sign me up!

calicokitty6 said...

Please sign me up, too. I thought I already had, but, can't find the post. It will be my first year of this.

calicokitty6 said...

Ignore my last comment. I found my other post. Duh! just realized this is last year's list to sign up on. Sorry

Melanie said...

Add me Please.



Treesa said...

OOHH! OOOHHH! I wanna do it again, this year. Hopefully no crashes at turn 5 like last year.

Teri said...

Sign me up. I am blackbeltknitter on rav.

Thanks Teri

Beesybee said...

I'm definitely in! Please add my name o the list!

Mariella said...

I'm in!!!

Pam said...

I'll be spinning some laceweight kid mohair-hoping to get two pounds spun and plied with silk. I had a great time last year watching the Tour and spinning!


Bekka said...

Sign me up please.



Thanks :-)

Unknown said...

Get your wheels runnin' Head out on the highway! Born to spin wiiiiiiild, born to spin wiiiiiiiiiild. Count me in Team Lendrum and Rookies.

Robingill said...

Add me to the list, please. Love this event!
