Well, I'm going to have a pattern published in a knitting book!
I received my first donated yarn for the project like a real knitwear designer. I'm acting as if.
Now I have to write the pattern and knit the sample. That's all. I can do that, right?
I hope so.
Oh yes, you can!
The yarn is gorgeous, by the way.
This is so exciting....what an ealy Christmas gift for you. Of course you can do it! The opportunity is grab it!
Look at you miss big time knitwear designer.
I just made a hat for my aunt using that same yarn, in the same red color and I must say that the yarn was so soft on my hands. The only gripe that I had with it is that single ply yarns always split on me and I end up with little loopy things hanging out on the knit side. But it didn't happen too often so I didn't ge tthe chance to hurl the yarn and hat across the room (too much).
Congratulations! And what a great color! I can't wait!
Wow, I'm impressed!!
Can't wait to see your design :-)
I know you can do it! You're the best! I can't wait to see the finished project and until another secret is revealed!! Congratulations!!!!!!
Thanks everyone! These comments made me really happy.
I love the ginger-y/pumkin-y color of that yarn.
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