I love tiny things and I love these sweaters. I specifically love the way they are designed like actual sweaters, with stripes, etc.
I would so wear any of these if I was sparrow-sized.
But who is really so small they could wear such a thing?
I have no idea where this photo came from but the sweater looks crocheted, not knitted. Oh well.
I hope putting this squirrel picture below the sweater picture doesn't make my mom seem crazy, because she isn't. Her sweaters are cute and are not intended to be worn by woodland creatures. It's MY demented mind that put them together, clear?
Thanks mom, these rock!
I wonder if there are any rabbit-sized sweaters out there for the cookie thief?
That's really cute
Such cute sweaters! I love tiny things, too. I even made a pair of the Los Lobe Hose tiny socks and a tiny Christmas stocking (with a fairisle snowflake) once but they made my hands hurt. And so goes another great entrepreneurial idea down the tubes.
I'm picking up the alpaca fleece tomorrow morning. She says it has a lot of second cuts. I say, it's free! We will make it work. And if we end up with enough yarn for handwarmers or something so be it. We'll have to get together to split it up...
Those bitty sweaters rock! Tell her great job! I love the pic of the squirrel, too. haha It's cute.
soprano - sounds great. I have Friday off btw (long weekend I guess) so maybe then?
ar - thanks! I couldn't resist that squirrel pic. I wonder how that came to happen though.
Friday is great, between 11:45 and 2:00. Unless I can get DH to pick them up, which is possible. Let me know what's good for you.
si cute!!! u can use them as little Xmas tree oranaments :-)
The sweaters are cute. Why don't you make mini teddy bears, and dress them with your mom's sweaters. How cool would that be, a mother/daughter collabo!
Thanks all for the nice comments! These are so fun to do. I make up the color scheme as I go. I intend to use them(some) for x-mas ornaments and hang them on doll hangers.
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