Friday, June 23, 2006

Fiber Friday 6/23

I was able to get some spinning and dying done this week before the eye surgery and here is some homespun. It's a blend of merino, targhee and ramboulet and is really soft. These are both small skeins because I was experimenting with coils. This top one I was calling Frankenstein wanders among the fall leaves when it was in roving form. I don't know what to call it now!

Frankenstein's friend here was spun white and plied with some coils. I then dyed the yarn after. I think I like dying roving better these days. They look like friends to me, just sitting there on the fence together. I guess I'll call it boo-berry. Is it too early to be thinking about halloween? I think both yarns belong in the same project since they were spun in the same manner and are about the same thickness. I have some time to contemplate this because until July 1st I am single-minded about knitting the top-secret project.


LaBean said...

First off, glad to hear the LASIK went well. I'd love to never wear glasses again. I think you should call the yarn Frankenstein Tamed.:)I love the colors. I agree both the yarns should be used in the same project. I've got some pre-dyed merino and corriedale that I'm spinning up and plying in the same manner. Even though they are different breeds, I'll be combining them in a hat/mitten/scarf combo because the colorways are complementary.

Star said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...

wow! That's what that orange-green-pink roving turned out to be?