Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sock Summit Flash Mob

With the teacher dinner eight hours away from this here moment I find myself in a state of unfocused panic and excitement. I had to look at the Sock Summit website one more time to be sure it's real.

Then I stumbled upon this:

Just curious how many people are going to do this...?

I am also looking at twitter too much because there is a lot of Sock Summit buzz there. I happened to see this tweet from Interweave:

InterweaveNews Jaime Guthals
Free IW book (your choice) to the person who gets Ann Budd (sober) to do flash mob dance at #socksummit. 2 @IWBooks if you get it on camera

So many questions.

edited to add: Oh yeah, should I be knitting a sock during the summit? Why is this just occurring to me now?


pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

I'm sorry; I can't bring myself to do that. But I'll probably take pictures and blog it! Are you going to do it?

Congrats on the teaching gig. I'm sure the teacher dinner was fun! You are in an august group. Woot!

I'm not knitting a sock at Sock Summit. Go figure. (still no fingering weight socks from me...)

Uli said...

Well, i'll definitely wonder on down there to at least get a bird's eye view. :-) We just arrived this afternoon and the city seems buzzing with knitters drifting in and out of hotels and restaurants. Posting for the first time here but I'll be in one of your classes.............. I think tomorrow.

Janis Thompson said...

It was the BEST thin EVER that you could do with your 75 year old MOM and a skein of yarn on a SUNNY Oregon afternoon!

Janis Thompson

Star said...

It. Was. Great.