1. The teacher list was announced today for the Sock Summit. Go ahead and look, then come right back. I'll still be here.
Are you kidding me?!
I know!!!!
I'm one of the teachers, along with Barbara Walker, Meg Swansen, Nancy Bush, Cat Bordhi, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, etc. etc. etc. Let's just say I'm a wee bit nervous and will probably do something to embarrass myself within moments of arrival. If not sooner.
Also, trying to explain to muggles why this is a big freaking deal isn't fun. You people get it though, yeah? I believe this picture explains sock knitting very well:

2. I talked to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee on the phone. For over 20 minutes. Pretending it was normal.
3. Actually, I have a borderline psychotic outgoing message on my cell phone voicemail. It pleases me to no end that she had to listen to it in order to leave me a message. And she complimented me on it.
Yes, the first 3 were all about the Sock Summit. It was by far the biggest thing that happened this week, obviously.
4. A promotion at work! I work at Twisted yarn shop. I've been made assistant to the regional manager. And I got a fancy pen. Jealous?
5. What a lovely response to the Prairie House Shawl pattern (modeled by Brooke). Thanks all!

6. Movies! The Portland International Film Fest is nearly over but I've thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
7. New brake pads. I'm enjoying the sudden ease of stopping. I suffer the $400 price tag.
8. Got the Knitscene project shipped. You'll know more what this is about in July or so.
9. I love Portland, but I missed California a bit this week. There. I said it.
10. I've been waiting many years to make this happen... you see, I really wanted to go see the Harlem Globetrotters this weekend. I couldn't think of anyone else who would want to see them. (see #9) Oh well. Maybe next year?
Totally *love* the Prairie Shawl. I got to see it in person when I was in Twisted over the weekend. Sock Summit is sooo exciting!!
It is so nice to read about all the positive energy that is happening in your life! Congratulations!!!
You are definitely my favorite knitter. Great seeing you over the spread of food and I love keeping up with your doings. Patti
You rock! I am so excited about Sock Summit. DH came home and I just kept saying, OMG! OMG! OMG! (in letters, not even words) and had to explain how completely awesome it is that the knitting luminaries are descending on Portland in August. And you're one! (I know you're here already, but what grand company.)
You should go see the Globetrotters. You deserve it.
What an exciting week for you (and I love that Splash Mountain picture)! Patrick was also excited about the Globetrotters being in town but wasn't motivated to go by himself. If you're still looking for somebody to go with, Patrick and I would be up for seeing the 7:30 show tomorrow (looks like there are still tickets available). I have no idea if I'd like them, but I do appreciate the fact that they made guest appearances on Scooby Doo and Futurama. Let me know if you're interested, and we can figure out logistics. Otherwise I'll see you at a future trivia night!
I almost took Henry to see the Harlem Globetrotters. But had to work...boo!!! Maybe next time, I hope.
congrats on the sock summit and work going well.
and california misses you too. and we're not ashamed to say it!!!
LOL. you said Muggles like you mean it. :)
I have to say that I will miss the idea that you're in LA rockin' out. But I am very happy to hear you are where you fell you need to be. That's all that matters.
PS: Malabrigo rules, doesn't it? I love the gloves you made. They are beautiful. Also, you have inspired me to make a move and get on Etsy, too. I will be making hats. I'll let ou know when that happens. Odd how a chance encounter can change someone's life, huh?
congrats!! we were talking about making a trip up for the event from santa barbara. i have been wanting to be in portland lately, wanna trade? ;) i live 3 blocks from the ocean.....
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